The Management team has many years experience in Banking, Real Estate Development, Real Estate Sales, Real Estate Consultation, & Property Management. Sharing a drive to enhance & redevelop communities that have experienced neglect in order to restore them to their former glory in a modern manner. The team at Building AQuisition Partners United is committed to making visible change in every project they take on & every community they touch!
CEO & Investor Relations

CEO & Founder of Building AQuisition Partners United

Tosin Oduwole

Tosin Oduwole
Tosin is an acquisitions specialist at Building Acquisition Partners United; a Real Estate Fund Focusing On Long Term Buy & hold of Apartment Buildings.
Tosin was born in Saint Louis, Missouri and attended Junior High & High School in Europe & Africa. Upon returning to the states Tosin attended college at Kean University and also assisted in running family owned nursing homes in the midwest.
Delving into Real Estate in 2013, Tosin soon began training Real Estate professionals nationwide in portfolio building and investment strategy.
He has extensive experience in real estate lead generation, contract negotiation, Business Marketing Management & strategy, Real Estate Development, Interior & Exterior Design, & Profit & Loss statement evaluation.
Tosin is an Author, Mentor, & TEDx Speaker.
Co- Developer & Property Manager

Anton & Anthony Downing

Anton & Anthony Downing
Anton & Anthony Downing
The Downing Brothers are Chicago natives, local Fire Fighters and Real Estate Developers on the South Side of Chicago as well as stars of the HGTV Show "Double Down". Playing their respective roles, Anthony ensures the look and feel of all properties have a true essence of architectural character and curb appeal, while Anton consistently runs the numbers. Together they execute property management.
Real Estate
Broker &
Due Diligence

Born & Raised in the South Shore of Chicago, Moalike is an expert in the Chicago South Side Commercial Real Estate Market.

Born & Raised in the South Shore of Chicago, Moalike is an expert in the Chicago South Side Commercial Real Estate Market.
Moalike (Mo) Bennet
Born & Raised in the South Shore of Chicago, Moalike is an expert in the Chicago South Side Commercial Real Estate Market.
Mo has extensive experience in Property Management as well as in the multi family commercial real estate arena and works hand in hand with investors looking to acquire multi family assets in the City of Chicago.
Legal Counsel

Mr. Lance Shields

Mr. Lance Shields
Mr. Lance Shields
Mr. Shields was founder, Chairman and CEO of Lashco, Inc. a national securities firm that was a member of all United States stock and options exchanges. Mr. Shields experience encompasses 35 years on Wall Street.
Memberships include:
Member: New York Stock Exchange, Inc
Member: American Stock Exchange, Inc
Member: Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc
Member: Boston Stock Exchange, Inc
Member: Philadelphia Stock and Options Exchanges
Member: Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc
Member: Pacific Coast Stock and Options Exchanges
Lashco, Inc. Member: National Securities Clearing Corp (NSCC)
Lashco Inc. Member: Depository Trust Company (DTC)
In 2004, Mr. Shields founded Shields Capital Partners to facilitate helping individuals understand the options available for them to raise capital.
*Mr. Shields serves as legal counsel and does not serve as an officer or manager for Building AQuisition Partners United, LLC.